

 1957/58 Heater Blower Motor to Plenum Rubber Duct Boot



Dear Cadillac Enthusiasts,  


At last! Finally there is a way to connect your blower motor to the heating system of your Cadillac! Will wonders never cease? I have never seen a 57 or 58 Cadillac that does not need this part! As many of you know this part has been a problem for decades. There is absolutely no way to Mickey Mouse a fix for this due to the strange shape of the rubber part, its unusual relationship to the steel ducting, and the odd position of the steel ducts relative to one another.


As you may already know one of the mating steel parts is square and the other steel part is rectangular. As if that were not enough of a problem the two mating steel parts are also offset from one another on not just one, but two different axis! Anyone who has ever tried to connect this heater duct with a homemade fix has found it to be an exercise in futility. No amount of duct tape, or scraps of rubber inner tube, will help you here! 


This reproduction is the result of many years of very tedious work! Most of you probably have never seen what this part is supposed to look like. That is because these things fell off of most cars 40 years ago. Over the years we found a few cars that still had remnants of this part. We collected those precious scraps over 25 years. Without the OEM prints the only thing we could do was to guess at the dimensions. We used these various old scraps to recreate this complex shape. Testing our assumptions required the making of quite a few very expensive molds, from which we could make prototypes to test fit. My die makers were getting very tired of the seemingly endless revisions! They were ready to hang me from a tree when I finally approved the design! 


Needless to say this was a very tedious, time-consuming, and very expensive project. The good news is that after 5 attempts we finally have high quality reproductions that look identical to OEM, but fit far better. These will not fall off your car like the OEM parts did! I am confident that you could never find a better part at any price. These parts were made in very expensive steel dies. The same way the factory parts were made. Now for a tiny fraction of the actual cost to produce this part you can have a brand new one! Think of it, air flow to the heater and defrosters! Nirvana for the minimal cost of $125!


Many of you have been on our backorder list for a very long time. For you more recent Cadillac owners now is as good a time as any. You will need this part sooner or later! It could be many years before we get back to this project again, if ever. Like death and taxes it is a certainty that the cost will be higher in the future too. Thank you for your consideration of our offer. I hope to hear from you soon.


          Michael Rizzuto  



                ORDER FORM


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You can mail, fax, or e-mail this info to us. If you fax you must call us first so we can turn on the fax machine. If you do not call first your order will have a 50/50 chance of going through. If you d ecide to fax you should follow up with a phone call to make sure we received it.  


If you use e-mail a good way to avoid credit card number anxiety is to send the first 8 digits of the number in one e-mail, then send a second e-mail with the second 8 digits, expiration date, and V- code. (The V code is a 3-digit code found on the back of the card right at the end of the printed credit card number) I do this all the time and have never heard of a problem. However if you are not comfortable with this idea we can do it on the phone. Please make sure to include the address where the bill for the credit card is sent, and the name of the actual cardholder, personal or corporate. 


Also people who drive 50 year old cars like us are sometimes partial to old-fashioned things so feel free to mail us a check if you prefer. Please add $10 S&H for domestic, 33.50 for international. CA. Residents must add 8.75% sales tax also. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER